As you
probably know, maintaining my web site and the newsgroup (BRKNEWS)
takes me a lot of time.
I am sure you can help me maintaining these free web services by one or several way(s) :
1) If you aren't already an OID subscriber, maybe you can help me... by helping yourself becoming a better investor ! Strange ? No. Let me explain this :
There is a US financial journal, OID (Outstanding
Investor Digest), which, if you subscribe to it by mentioning my real name (Eric
Bd), will give me 4 free issues. I
highly recommend OID to you because this journal is really U.N.I.Q.U.E. in the
financial community. If you want to know more about this, please go HERE.
If you have some spare time and would be willing to conduct some research, just
send me an email (). I am pretty sure
I can find some work for you. This work will consist of, but is not limited
to, by finding some great web links. Your help will be really appreciated. ;-)
3) If you want to buy great financial books and make yourself a better investor, just follow the amazon links in this page.
4) Help fighting CANCER with your computer :
Think a few seconds. ... How many people do you know around you who have been touched by cancer ?
Whatever the number, one person is too many ! ;-(
For the skeptics, here are the "odds" : "One in four of us will at some time suffer from cancer."
Did you know that you can help fighting Cancer with your own
computer unused resources ?
See this project: Folding@Home
(List of other projects
5) Help to promote this innovative prize :
$1 Million Gotham Prize Launched by Leading Scientists,
Hedge Fund Managers to Encourage Innovation in Cancer Research
and 1min audio interview here
6) If you cannot answer by any of the above options :
Go to
(non-profit) which allows individuals to make $25 loans to low-income entrepreneurs
in the developing world (Microfinance).
Or you can simply click
on the ad banners here
or here
and support a charity cause.
I am waiting for your great help !