II - Books related to CHARLIE MUNGER (01/01/1924 - ...)
Selected Latticework of Mental Models for Investing
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This is a great biography of one of the man who shaped Warren Buffett's thinking in a major way : Charlie Munger. This book was recommended by Warren Buffett during the 2001 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting.
An excerpt : "...TMF Question : What books were on the reading list you were handed by Munger when he grudgingly agreed to cooperate on the book? Janet Lowe Answer: The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins; Three Scientists and Their Gods, Robert Wright (out of print); Influence: Science and Practice, Robert B. Cialdini; Guns, Germs & Steel by Jared Diamond...." [Note: All these books are in this page ;-)] |
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This is obviously the best biography of Charlie Munger. ;-) This book was edited by Peter Kaufman and his team. It is based on writings by Charlie Munger. It also discloses for the first time an edited transcription, in a chronological order, of all the talks (ten) given by Charlie Munger. ;-) The Foreword was done by Warren Buffett who also started to recommend it during the 2005 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting. "(...) Said Buffett: "The book is pure Charlie, and therefore couldn't be better." (...) (...) One of the talks [available in the book], Munger said, was "an utter failure" when he gave it to about 1,000 people in 1996. Titled "Practical Thought About Practical Thought?", the piece explains how Munger makes decisions and solves problems using a step-by-step series of "mental models." Munger said some people understand it and others don't, even after reading it twice slowly. "But I think it's important, and it's right." His advice is to read "Practical Thought" last. (...)" [Source: "Munger's wisdom fills a new book" April 29, 2005 OMAHA WORLD-HERALD]
Buying a new copy of this book at Amazon is a little tricky: Go here Then, click on "Used/New". "Intermountain Books is the official shop which sell new copies of this book at Amazon". |
2) Books recommended by Charlie Munger mostly during the Annual Meetings of Berkshire Hathaway and Wesco :
Charlie Munger reads everything, but particularly likes to recommend science books, since he feels they impose intellectual discipline. He recommends reading "anything about his personal hero, Benjamin Franklin." (1998 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting); And "anything by Darwin" - (OID December 29, 1997)
"Munger was asked to name his favorite books of all time. He replied, "That's hard because I mix ideas from so many books. One fabulous book is The Selfish Gene, which provides basic insights on human conditions."" - 2000 Wesco Annual Meeting "Biological reasoning can help in investment by predicting the outcome of evolutionary process in business. Business and biological evolution have a lot of similarities." Charlie Munger - 2000 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting.
This great book explains how we are manipulated by people who know how to influence us in our day to day lifes. Do not hesitate to recommend this book to your friends!
This great small book was written a few days after its author, Viktor Frankl, was released from the extinction camp of Auschwitz in 1945. This books helped create and develop the "Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy": the Logotherapy. See http://logotherapy.univie.ac.at/ [Note: "By 1997 more than 9 million copies of this book had been sold."]
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - 1992 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (OID June 22, 1992) See also the book (covered in this page) "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies"
Recommended by Charlie Munger - 1992 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (OID June 22, 1992)
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - 1992 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (OID June 22, 1992)
"I recommend that everyone read the last book by Garrett Hardin--Living Within Limits. It is a summary of the major things Hardin has learned in a lifetime. He is a real thinker. That is a fabulous book." Charlie Munger - (OID June 30, 1993) Garrett Harden "was 78 years old when he wrote it. I advise you to read it twice (which I did)...because it is the condensed wisdom of a very smart man." Charlie Munger - 1997 Wesco Annual Meeting. Note: Charlie Munger is thanked in the "Acknowledgments" of this book.
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"I think Bill Gates' biography, is a very useful book. You really get a feeling for what it took to write and sell software in the software revolution."- Charlie Munger - (June 30, 1993 - Wesco Annual Meeting)
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - (OID June 23, 1994). Note: This book was on the list of the "Best Business books of 1994" by Business Week |
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - (OID June 23, 1994). Charlie Munger also recommended reading "anything about his personal hero, Benjamin Franklin." - 1998 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - 1995 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - (OID August 8, 1996)
Recommended by Charlie Munger - (OID March 13, 1998)
"...books like Guns, Germs, and Steel, don't come along very often." Charlie Munger - 2000 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting. Charlie Munger liked the book because Diamond is "always asking WHY ?" - 1998 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting.
Recommended by Charlie Munger - 1999 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - 1999 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
Video Available (only?) at the New York Library (from here The emergence of modern philanthropy : the Rockefeller story. New York, NY: Rockefeller University, 2000. 50 minutes. A 050 ROC. Video recording of a panel discussion featuring Ron Chernow, author of "Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller", Sr.; David Rockefeller; Peter J. Johnson; James Allen Smith; and Arnold J. Levine. |
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"This book is must reading for those seeking to maximize their contribution to the constructive work of the world." - Charles T. Munger, vice chairman, Berkshire Hathaway Inc - (from the back cover of the book) Let's assume, for instance, that you are working inside a group of co-workers, but that you are not the group leader. It certainly means that you are all together for solving some kinds of problems. Good for you ! This is exactly the book that you need. It will give you the tools in order to get the job done in the best way for all parts. ;-)
Buy this book here (You may also find another book description with a table of contents and a free excerpt) |
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2001 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting
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"Genome which is the history of a species in 23 chapters, is a perfectly amazing book -- and very interesting." Charlie Munger - 2001 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (source: OID )
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"It's a very interesting book for a certain academic type". Charlie Munger - 2001 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (source: OID )
As this book is Out of print, you can, still try here (You may also find another book description with a table of contents and a free excerpt) |
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"Best work of science exposition and history that I've read in many years!" Charles T. Munger, vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc - (from the back cover of the book) "I recommend Ice Age, which traces the past history of glaciation. It's the best book of scientific explanation I've ever read." - Charlie Munger - 2002 Wesco Annual Meeting
"I also recommend How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World and Everything in It, about how a small group of people flourished." - Charlie Munger - 2002 Wesco Annual Meeting (Extracted from here)
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The question for the book recommendation was not asked during the 2003 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting. But according to an Omaha World Herald story published on May 2, 2003, the book that should have been recommended is this one. ;-)
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2003 WESCO Annual Meeting
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2003 WESCO Annual Meeting
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"(...) Read the book “F.I.A.S.C.O.”, by law professor and former derivatives trader Frank Partnoy, an insider account of depravity in derivative trading at one of the biggest and best regarded Wall Street firms. The book will turn your stomach." - Charlie Munger - 10/2003 (source here)
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2004 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting.
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Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2004 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting. "Les Schwab autobiography which gives a very good idea on small business compensation plans." - Charlie Munger (Source)
Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2005 WESCO Annual Meeting
Recommended by Charlie Munger - Poor Charlie's Almanack - 2nd edition (see above)
Buy this book here (You may also find another book description with a table of contents and a free excerpt) |
Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2006 WESCO Annual Meeting |
Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2007 WESCO Annual Meeting
"The Candid Science series of books contains well over 200 conversations with famous scientists, including more than 100 Nobel laureates. These in-depth conversations cover the stories of scientific discoveries and the exciting human dramas behind them." Many thanks to Istvan Hargittai for allowing me to share this PDF file (1.4Mo) which will give you more details. ;) "Candid Science: Conversations with Famous Chemists" by Istvan Hargittai (528 pages, 01/2000) "Candid Science II: Conversations with Famous Biomedical Scientists" by Istvan Hargittai (616 pages, 03/2002) "Candid Science III: More Converstations With Famous Chemists" by Istvan Hargittai (520 pages, 03/2003) "Candid Science IV: Conversations With Famous Physicists" by Magdolna & Istvan Hargittai (728 pages, 06/2004) "Candid Science V: Conversations with Famous Scientists" by Balazs & Istvan Hargittai (712 pages, 07/2005) "Candid Science VI: More Conversations With Famous Scientists" by Istvan & Magdolna Hargittai (885 pages, 12/2006) |
Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2007 WESCO Annual Meeting "Munger said he had read every Einstein biography, and this new one by Isaacson was the best." (source)
Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2008 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting |
Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2009 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting |
Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2011 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting |
3) Special : "Seeking Wisdom" by Peter Bevelin :
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Recommended by Warren Buffett - 2006 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Report Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2007 WESCO Annual Meeting My comment: In my humble opinion this an outstanding book! It is probably the best if you want to improve your Latticework of Mental Models. Nothing to add...except that you MUST buy it! ;) Buying a new copy of this book at Amazon is a little tricky: Go here Then, click on "Used/New". "Intermountain Books is the official shop which sell new copies of this book at Amazon". You can also buy it at http://www.poorcharliesalmanack.com |
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Charlie Munger gave (indirectly) the idea of this book to Robert Hagstrom. It will make you travel in different disciplines other than Finance (e.g. Phisics, biology, Literature,...) in order that you become a better investor.
Buy this book here or paperback here (You may also find another book description with a table of contents and a free excerpt) |
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Buy this book here (You may also find another book description with a table of contents and a free excerpt) |
"(...) Question: Jeremy Siegel had some ideas in his second
book. How would this impact your |
You will find more information on Charlie Munger in my special section about him : here
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